Easy Santa Claus drawing for kids

We will learn the sketch of how to draw easy Santa Claus drawing. This drawing is a part of a pencil sketch drawing. Video tutorials are helpful for beginners to draw easy Santa Claus drawing for kids. We will learn how to draw easy Santa Claus drawing step by step.

Drawing for Kids

The Soft Root gives ideas of drawing for kids, and teaches you to how to draw easy Santa Claus drawing. The steps are very easy for kids. Learn skills on how to draw different drawings. by following these steps kids can draw stunning drawings of their own.

Step 1: Draw a Santa hat

In the first step, we have to draw how to draw Santa Claus hat of how to draw easy Santa Claus drawing for kids. We will begin Santa Claus hat from its brim of the hat. For brim, we will draw an overlapping curved line enclosed as an elliptical circle. Then we will draw an inverted “V” shape line and connect it to the brim. Then we will draw a circle shape to make the headpiece of the Santa Claus hat.

Easy Santa Claus drawing

Step 2: How to draw Santa Claus face

In the second, we make how to draw Santa Claus face. So, we have to draw a realistic Santa Claus step by step. Then, we have to draw lines to draw the face. So, we have to draw the forehead, eyes, nose, and mouth of the Santa. We will use curved lines and joins them to enclose the face shape. Then we will use some curved lines to enclose his happy mouth.

Step 3: how to make a Santa beard look real

In the third step, we have to draw how to make a Santa beard look real of drawing. Then, we have to make the shape of the Santa Claus drawing easy beard looks real. So, we have to draw a curved line that will begin just beneath the hat of Santa Claus. It will move to the opposite side of Santa’s face. We will draw his beard using a long-curved line that is slightly and after this, we have to draw the right ear of the Santa looks real to draw lines.

Step 4: Making Santa hand drawing for kids

In the fourth step of our sketch, we have to draw the Santa arms and hands in drawing for kids. So, we have to draw the shapes of both hands of Santa hands. Then, we have to draw straight and curved lines to from his arms and hands.

Easy Santa Claus drawing

Step 5: Santa Claus belly

In the fifth step, we have to draw Santa Claus belly in our sketch. Then, we have to make the belly shape of Santa. So, we have to extend a long circle line to make the shape of the belly of the Santa. After this, we have to draw the belt strip of Santa.

For his strip we will draw a pair of horizontal lines. Then we will draw a small rectangle shape to form his belt buckle. Then from center we will sketch a straight line to form his shirt.

Step 6: How to make Santa Claus legs drawing for kids

In the sixth step, we have to make the Santa Claus legs drawing for kids. So, to make the shape of the Santa legs of our drawing for kids. We have to draw straight lines to make the shape of the legs. Then, we use some curved lines to form the foot of Santa Claus.

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