Vocabulary Words That Start With Z

“Z” is the last word of the alphabet. It was a beautiful journey with this series of “vocabulary words that start with z.” This is the last lesson in the series, and it will help you teach your child positive words that start with z. We emphasize positive vocabulary words as they help your child to learn positive communication skills. This lesson will help your kid in his early childhood education and help him establish a positive attitude in his future. They can build their word vocabulary and confidently communicate with people in such a competitive era.

What Words I Can Make With The Letter Z

Let’s learn some vocabulary words that start with z.

Three Letter Words That Start With Letter Z

Zip: A zip is a device made from metal or other materials and used to bind the edges of some dress, a bag, or something. Zips are used in a wide range of products. Teach this word to your child by showing them zips on different clothing items or bags.

Zoo: A zoo is an amusement park where different wild animals, birds, and marine life are conserved in captivity. Zoos are used to conserve species at risk of extinction in the wild or from nature. Everyone loves to visit a zoo because of the diversity of animals. Therefore, take your kids to the zoo and show them the different animals there. Indeed, they will be happy by visiting a zoo. Also, they will learn this word in this way.

Zit: A pimple or acne is also called a zit. A zit appears on the skin when the skin gets inflammable due to bacteria and dead skin cells. It is usually advised not to burst zits because it worsens the infection and leaves a scar on the skin. Teach this word to your child by explaining to him what a zit is when he gets one. Then tell him not to touch or pop it.

Four Letter Words That Start With Letter Z

Zoom: Zoom is online software that is available for computers and mobile devices. So, zoom is widely used for online classes, video calls, conferences, and podcasts. Teach this word to your child by showing him the zoom app and its benefits.

Zero: Zero is the first numeric and comes before any other number. It is represented by a capital O. Teach this word to your child in a counting lesson.

Zill: Zill is a character in the game arena of valor. The word zill is also a finger-cymbal worn around the belly during belly dance. Teach this word to your child by showing him both types of zill.

Zest: Zest words represent a person with high enthusiasm and energy. It is the outer color of the peel of citrus fruit. Zest is a scrap extracted from unwaxed citrus fruits like lemon. It is used in flavors. Teach this word to your child by showing him zest.

Words From Z For kids

Words From Z For Kids

Zinc: Zinc is a metal that prevents iron from rusting by adding a coating to iron. So, Zinc is a trace mineral in our body and plays a vital role in enzyme regulation. Teach this word to your child and tell him its benefits.

Zima: This word represents a clear malt, a carbonated alcoholic beverage. Teach this word to your child by showing him Zima.

Zebu: Zebu is domestic cattle with a hump usually found and kept in India. Teach this word to your child by showing pictures of zebu.

Zone: An area that has specific characteristics. The word zone also refers to a boundary created by a person, like a comfort zone. Teach this word to your child by telling him its different meanings.

Five Letter Words That Start With Letter Z

Zorse: Zorse is a hybrid between zebra and horse. It is a living creature on the earth created by mating mare and zebra. Teach this word to your child by showing him pictures of a zorse.

Zazzy: The word zazzy means something shiny or well-decorated. You might hear this word to describe a well-decorated room. Teach this word to your child by telling him its meaning and how it describes beautiful things.

Zebra: Zebra is a very close animal to horse and donkey. But it is white and has black stripes on its body. Zebras are native to Africa. Teach this word to your child by showing him pictures of zebra.

Zowie: Zowie, the word, is used to express admiration and astonishment. Two main words Start with Z types: right hand and left hand zowie mouse. Zowie is a dedicated gaming mouse from BenQ company. Teach this word to your child by showing him a zowie mouse.

Words That Start with Z Z-axes: The axes on which values for z angle are plotted and values for x or y-axes tend to be zero on z-axes in the geometry of mathematics. Teach this word to your child in a lesson on the three-dimensional system.

What Words I Make With The Letter Z

Six Letter Words That Start With Letter Z

Zither: Zither is a string musical instrument with a flat body. It is a guitar-like instrument. Teach this word to your child by showing him the zither and what sound it produces.

Zonkey: Zonkey is the hybrid of zebra and donkey. It is the result of mating the female donkey and male zebra. Teach this word to your child by showing him pictures of zonkey.

Zander: This is a ray finfish that is found in western Eurasia. This is a medium-sized fish. Its meat is pure white with a mild taste. Teach this word to your child by showing pictures of zander fish.

Zipper: A zipper is a clothing piece with a zip rather than buttons. It is also a plastic bag with a zip to enclose it. Teach this word to your child by showing him a zipper.

Zig-zag: Zig-zag is a pattern that has corners after the same or different distances. It is a wavy line. Teach this word to your child by showing him a zigzag pattern.

Zinnia: Zinnia is a flowering plant from the daisy family. It has flowers of different colors and sizes. It is similar in shape to a daisy flower. Teach this word to your child by showing him zinnia.

Simple z words for kids

Zombie: A zombie is a mythical monstrous, or ugly character that is a corpse or skeleton-like but can revive. Zombies eat other living things, are aggressive, and cannot think critically. So, zombies are shown in horror movies and games. Teach this word to your child by showing him zombies in cartoons or movies and telling him what a zombie is.

Zester: A kitchen utensil or tool used to extract zest in long and thin strips from citrus fruits is called a zester. It is a garter-like instrument. Teach this word to your kid by showing him a zester.

Seven Letter Words That Start With Letter Z

Zorilla: Zorilla is a carnivorous mammal called a pole cat or striped weasel. It has black and white stripes on its coat. They are similar to skunk animals. It has a long furry tail. It is found in Africa. Teach this word to your child by showing pictures of the Zorilla.

Zuccotti: Zuccotti is a semi-frozen Italian dessert made from ice cream and cake. It is a delicious frozen dessert of Italian recipes. Find a recipe for Zuccotti, make it, and serve it to your family. Indeed, they will love it. Teach your child this word in this way.

Zabuton: It is a long Japanese floor cushion for sitting. Teach zabuton to your kids by showing them pictures.

Eight Letter Words That Start With Letter Z

Zucchini: Zucchini is just like a cucumber or courgette summer squash. The only difference is that its plant has a woody stem. Teach this word to your child by showing him a zucchini.

Zeppelin: Zeppelin is an aerial vehicle without wings and is enormous. They are also known as blimps or airships. It is filled with light gases and floats in the air. Zeppelin was first used during the first world war by German forces. They were used as anti-aircraft weapons. It looks like a big and long balloon. Teach this word to your child by showing him pictures of a zeppelin.

Zeolites: Zeolites are porous crystals made from aluminum silicate. Zeolites are widely used for industrial purposes such as catalysts and gas separation. They are drying agents in detergents, water, and air purifiers. These are also marketed as dietary supplements for treating diarrhea, cancer, autism, herpes, and balancing body PH. Teach this word to your child by showing him zeolites and telling him their uses.

Nine Letter Words That Start With Letter Z

Zebrafish: This is a small freshwater fish with blue lines or stripes on its sides, just like zebra. Zebrafish are kept in the aquarium and private ponds. They are also used to help study diseases and their cures.

Zookeeper: A zookeeper is a person who takes care of the wild animals in a zoo. He is so friendly to the animals that they never harm him. Teach this word to your child by showing a zookeeper while on a visit to the zoo.

Zirconium: Zirconium is a metal found in zircon crystals. Zirconium is used in ornaments and ultra-strong ceramics. It is glittery silver in color. It is solid that scissors and knives are made of it. Teach this word to your child by showing him zirconium and telling him its uses.

Ten Letter Words That Start With Letter Z

Zodiac sign: A zodiac symbol is a band carrying stars and making a specific shape on the night sky. Everyone star has a specific zodiac sign assigned to him at his birth according to his date of birth. Teach this word to your child by telling him his zodiac sign.

Zebra finch: The Zebra finch is a small bird found in Australia. Its name comes from the black and white zebra-like stripes on its tail. It has an orange beak. Teach this word to your child by showing pictures of a zebra finch.

Zebra shark: Zebra shark is a type of shark with zebra-like textures on its body and is found in tropical indo-pacific oceans. It is very cool, calm, and non-aggressive as adult fish. Teach this word to your child by showing him pictures of a zebra shark.

Thirteen Letter Words That Start With Letter Z

Zebra crossing: This is a pavement on the road specially carved to specify an area for people to cross the road. It has white lines that show its place. Teach this word to your child by showing him a zebra crossing and how it is essential.

Fifteen Letter Words That Start With Letter Z

Zinfandel Grapes: Zinfandel grapes are black grapes cultivated in California and used to produce wines. These are very delicious and very healthy. These are eaten raw and used in salads, sorbets, tarts, ice cream, and desserts. Teach this word to your child by showing him zinfandel grapes.

Zigzag Vine Fruit: This is a zigzag vine or acid drop vine of yellow or orange color used to produce wines, jams, and sauces. It is found chiefly in Australia. Teach this word to your kid by showing him a zigzag vine fruit.

Five most commonly used Z words

  • Zebra
  • Zero
  • Zig-zag
  • Zipper
  • Zoo

The longest word that starts with Z

zealousnesses: means a strong, energetic desire to get something done

The common English verbs starting with Z

  • Zest
  • Zigzag
  • Zip
  • Zone

Five most commonly used positive words that start with the letter Z

  • Zazzy
  • Zappy
  • Zone
  • Zealful
  • Zen

Easy Words that start with Z for Toddlers

  • Zoo
  • Zip
  • Zero
  • Zap
  • Zebra

Words that start with Z for Kindergarten kids

  • Zap
  • Zero
  • Zip
  • Zoo
  • Zoom

Words that start with Z for Preschool kids

  • Zebra
  • Zoo
  • Zero
  • Zip
  • Zigzag


We hope this “vocabulary words that start with” series has helped your child learn new and valuable words. Make sure to check other lessons in this series if needed. We also have made videos for vocabulary words to make them more appealing to kids. Check them out as well.

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