Vocabulary Words That Start With Y

With this lesson, you can teach your child vocabulary words that start with Y. Positive nature comes from the positive vocabulary. Therefore, positive vocabulary will help your child communicate positively. So, in this lesson, we tried to add as many positive vocabulary words that start with Y as we could. With this lesson, you will be skilful to teach your child some helpful Y words for kids. Vocabulary words are the most crucial part of your child’s early childhood education. Therefore, we keep working on it. Through this platform, “The Soft Roots,” your child will learn primary education, including alphabets, words, numbers, shapes, colors, and grammar hassle-free.

What Words I Can Make With The Letter Y

Two Letter Words That Start With Letter Y

Yo: This word is used to greet someone in a cool way or to call someone. Teach this word to your child in a conversation and call him “Yo” with a smile, then tell him its meaning.

Three Letter Words That Start With Letter Y

Yak: This is a domestic cattle with long hair. Yaks are kept as domestic cattle for milk in Tibet and have very long horns. Teach this word to your child by showing pictures of yak.

Yam: Yam is a vegetable, and its root is widely consumed all over the world. Yams are packed with nutrition. Its root is consumed just like a potato. Teach this word to your child by showing him yam.

You: This word is used to address a second person by the first person. Teach this word to your child in a lesson of 1st, 2nd and 3rd persons.

Yen: This word describes the currency of Japan. The symbol for the yen is ¥. Teach this word to your child in a lesson on popular currency names. 

Yes: This word describes the authentication of someone or is used to approve something right. Teach this word to your child by telling him the meaning of yes and no and their uses.

Four Letter Words That Start With Letter Y

Yurt: Yurt is a circular tent that is held by a wooden structure. The fun part about yurt is that it is portable, as the wooden structure below the wool is collapsible. Yurt is widely used in central Asia, especially Mongolia. Teach this word to your child in a lesson on different types of tents or camps.

Yarn: Yarn is a long interlocked thread or fiber. This long fiber is spun and used for knitting and weaving.

Teach this word to your child by showing him a yarn and telling him what it is used for.

Yolk: The yellow section of an egg is called yolk. The yolk is full of protein and fats. Teach this word to your child by showing him the egg yolk and egg white.

Yard: This word describes a grassy area outside of the house. Teach this word to your child by showing him the yard in your house.

Yeah: This word is used as an alternative to the word yes. But to continue talking and complete a sentence after this word. Teach this word to your child by telling its meaning.

Yawn: Yawn is an involuntary action in which a person opens full mouth, and the lungs suck more air than usual. Then the lungs push out air slowly. Teach this word to your kid when he yawns.

Words That Start with Y

Four Letter Words For Kids

Yell: The word yell describes shouting or making a loud noise in sorrow or excitement. Teach this word to your child by telling him its meaning and giving an example of someone who is yelling or shouting.

Yowl: This word is the synonym of yell. So teach this word to your child in a lesson on similar words.

Yoga: This word describes a set of mental, physical and spiritual exercises that originates from India. Yoga also includes meditation. Teach this word to your child in a lesson on different exercise names.

Yoke: A yoke is a wooden beam that connects two oxen or other animals so that they may pull together on a burden while working in pairs. Occasionally, yokes are attached to individual animals. Teach this word to your child by showing him pictures of the yoke.

Year: A year is a time in which a planet completes its one circle around the sun. The earth completes its circle around the sun in 365 days.  

Yo-yo: Yo-Yo is a toy made from two plates around an axle, and a string or thread is looped around the axle. The tread is used to spin up or down. Teach this word to your child by showing him a yo-yo.

Five Letter Words That Start With Letter Y

Young: This word describes a person who has spent less than half the time after birth. Anyone below 25-30 is considered young. Teach this word to your kid in a lesson on words describing different age groups.

Yucca: Yucca is a plant with long pointy leaves. Its starchy roots are like potatoes and consumed. Yucca is primarily found in warm regions of the USA and Mexico. Teach this word to your child by showing him the yucca plant’s pictures or its dish.

Yacht: A yacht is a medium-sized luxurious boat that is used for trips, cruises and parties. Teach this word to your child by showing him a yacht.

Words From Y For kids

Yeast: The yeast is a unicellular fungus used widely in bakery items and the fermentation process. Yeasts are used to make bread and wines. Teach this word to your child by showing him yeast if you have some to show and tell him its uses.

Youth: The part of life when someone is young, it’s called his youth. Teach this word to your child in a lesson of different age and lifetime group names.

Yummy: The word yummy describes something tasty. Teach this word to your child by explaining the meaning of this word. Then, tell him to use this word to describe anything he finds tasty.

Yucky: The word yucky is used to describe something gross or unpleasant. It creates an unpleasant feeling in the stomach. Teach your child the meaning of this word and how to use it in his communication.

What Words I Make With The Letter Y

Six Letter Words That Start With Letter Y

Yankee: This word describes a person who is an American. Teach this word to your child by telling him its meaning.

Yellow: This word describes a color. The lemon is yellow. Teach this word to your child in a lesson on colors.

Yip yip: The Yip Yips are characters from Sesame Street, an American educational children’s television show. Yip yips are puppets who represent aliens. Teach this word to your child by showing him this tv show.  

Seven Letter Words That Start With Letter Y

Youtube: Youtube is a social media platform for videos. People worldwide create, upload or share the videos on their channels with the whole world. Teach this word to your child by showing him youtube.

Yogurt: Yogurt is a semi-solid type of milk and a dairy product. It is prepared by putting some bacterias in the milk. Teach this word to your child by serving him sweet yoghurt.

Yule log: Yule log is a cake that is served during Christmas. Teach this word to your child by serving him with a yule log cake.

Eight Letter Words That Start With Letter Y

Yearbook: A yearbook is published once a year and highlights all the important events that happened in a year. Teach this word to your kid by showing him a yearbook.

Yogi Bear: Yogi Bear is a cartoon character that is like a bear and wear a cap and a tie around its neck. Yogi Bear cartoon is fun to watch. Teach this word to your child by showing him this fun cartoon.

Yali Pear: A yali pear is an Asian or Chinese pear that is very delicious. Now it is also cultivated in the USA. Teach this word to your child by showing him a yali pear.

Nine Letter Words That Start With Letter Y

Yesterday: This word describes the past day. Teach the word to your child in a basic lesson of tenses and the present, past and future.

Yachtsman: A person who drives or sails a yacht is called a yachtsman. Teach this word to your child by explaining its relevance with a yacht.

Yardstick: This is a wooden stick of a yard or meter length used to measure objects’ length is called a yardstick. Teach this word to your child by showing him a yardstick.

Yuzu fruit: Yuzu is the most popular citrus fruit in Japan. Teach this word to your kid by showing him a yuzu fruit.

Yap island: This is an island in the pacific ocean. It is popular for its stone money. Teach this word to your kid while teaching him different country names on a world map.

Y Words List For kids

Ten Letter Words That Start With Letter Y

Youngberry: Youngberry is a hybrid berry between three other types of berries. Its color is purple and is very delicious. Teach this word to your child in a lesson on different berry types.

Youngster: A person at a young age is called a youngster. Teach this word to your kid in a lesson about people living different parts of their lives.

Yellowcake: This word represents the solid form of uranium oxide that is mined and enriched afterwards. Teach this word to your child by showing him pictures of yellowcake.

Twelve Letter Words That Start With Letter Y

Yellow baboon: This is a species of baboon that is yellow and found in American national parks. Teach this word to your child by showing him pictures of a yellow baboon.

Yangmei Fruit: This is the name of wax berry or Chinese berry. This fruit is widely used in desserts. Teach this word to your child by serving him with a dessert of yangmei fruit, and he will love it.

Thirteen Letter Words That Start With Letter Y

Yellowfin Tuna: Yellowfin tuna is a species of medium-sized tuna and found in tropical oceans. It has yellowfins. Teach this word to your child by showing him pictures of yellowfin tuna.

Sixteen Letter Words That Start With Letter Y

Yellow Watermelon: This is just like a normal watermelon, and the only difference is that it has yellow flesh. Teach this word to your kid by showing him a yellow watermelon.

Seventeen Letter Words That Start With Letter Y

Yellow-Eyed Penguin: A penguin with yellow color around its eye is referred to as a yellow-eyed penguin. Teach this word to your kid in a lesson on different types of penguins.

Eighteen Letter Words That Start With Letter Y

Yellow Passion Fruit: Yellow passion fruit is like a big yellow lemon, with an edible pulp inside. Its found in South America. Teach this word to your child by showing him a yellow passion fruit.

Five most commonly used Y words

  • You
  • Your
  • Yours
  • Yes
  • Yup

The longest word that starts with Y

Yangochiropteran: means a microbat

The common English verbs starting with Y

  • Yield
  • Yuck
  • Yelp
  • Yard
  • yap

Five most commonly used positive words that start with the letter Y

  • Yahoo
  • Yahweh
  • Yare
  • Yay
  • Yeah

Words that start with Y for Toddlers

  • yes
  • you
  • year
  • yummy
  • yahoo

Words that start with Y for Kindergarten kids

  • Your
  • Year
  • Yarn
  • Yeti
  • Young

Words that start with Y for Preschool kids

  • Yo-yo
  • Yarn
  • Yes
  • You
  • Young


We are glad that your child is learning these vocabulary words quickly. That is why keep coming back with new words. Please come back for the words that start with z in the next lesson.

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