Vocabulary Words That Start With Q

In this lesson, we will teach you common vocabulary words that start with Q. Positive words that start with Q will be our main focus in this lesson. This lesson is from our “words that start with” series and includes positive Q words for kids. Vocabulary is the most important part of your kid’s early childhood education. Don’t worry about it, as we are here with the goal of providing all the necessary content for it. We’re glad that you don’t have to spend time searching for the content since you found us.

Words that start with Q

Let’s start with some positive vocabulary words that start with Q.

What Words I Can Make With The Letter Q

Four Letter Words That Start With Letter Q

Quiz: Quiz is a type of game or mind test in which you are meant to answer the questions. We have all attempted numerous quizzes in our lives during our education. So we all know what a quiz means. Just take your child’s quiz about the information he knows and tell him that was a quiz. It might be great if you give him a prize at the end.

Five Letter Words That Start With Letter Q

Quack: This word is use to describe the sound a duck makes. The kids love ducks walking around in groups and quacking. You can teach this word to your kid by showing him ducks making this sound.

Quiet: This word means to be silent or make no sound. This word is used quite often in our conversations. Teach this word to your kid by explaining its meaning and telling him to be quiet when he starts making so much noise.

Quilt: Quilt is a kind of blanket that is use in bedrooms. It is a piece of clothing with two or more layers to keep us warm. Teach this word to your kid by showing him a quilt at home.

Queen: The word queen is used to describe the wife of the king of a state. We hear so many stories about kings and queens. Teach this word to your child by showing him a queen in some cartoons and explaining her relationship with the king.

Five Q Words For Kids

Quick: This Q Vocabulary word is very common in our daily communications. It means fast. Teach this word to your kid while playing with him. Ask him to run fast and when he has, tell him that he was quick.

Quill: When the pens weren’t invented, quills were use to write with ink. Quill is basically a long single feather of a flying bird. Its pointy end was used to write with the ink. Today, quills have gone extinct, but you can show a quill made from a bird’s feather to teach him this word.

Quaff: This word is used to describe drinks that contain alcohol. However, you cannot serve your kid any quaff. But to teach this word to your kid, you can show him some quaffs.

Words From Q For Kids

Quads: The word quad is used as a short form of quad bikes. Kids love quads. Buy a quad for your kid if you can afford and he will definitely love riding it. Otherwise, teach this word to him by showing some quads.

Quoll: Quoll is a small mammal found in Australia. Quolls eat other small animals, insects, and birds and stay in their dens for most daytime. Teach this word to your kid by showing him pictures of quoll.

Five Letter Words For kids

Quail: Quail is a small bird that makes its nest on the ground. It is well-known for its sound. Quails are known for migrating over long distances during winter. Teach this word to your kid by showing him pictures of quail.

Qatar: Qatar is an Arab country with deserts and rich in oil and gas reserves. You can teach this word to your kid in a fun lesson of country names. Show him Qatar on the world map and tell him about its specialties.

Quorn: Quorn is used as an alternative for meat. However, it is not meat but a fungus and used in dishes. Teach this word to your kid by serving him Quorn.

Query: The word query is used as an alternative to questioning but in doubt regarding some information. Teach this word to your kid when he asks you about something out of curiosity.

Queue: The word queue is used to represent objects in order or sequence. This word is quite often used in customer services, where queries of customers are put in queues. This word is also used where people are meant to be in lines, such as ticket counters or airports boarding lines. You can teach this word to your kid by explaining its meaning to him.

Q-Tip: Q-Tips is the word used for cotton swabs wrapped on one or both ends of a small thin stick. Q-tips have a lot of applications in our daily lives. From cleaning our ears to cleaning things, Q-tips are used everywhere.

What Words I Make With The Letter Q

Six Letter Words That Start With Letter Q

Quince: Quince is a fruit that looks like a yellow apple. However, it may taste a bit sour. Teach this word to your kid by showing him quince.

Quaint: The word is quaint is not so common, but we have included it in this lesson due to its importance. This word means old-fashioned or unusual. Teach this word to your kid by showing him some quaint buildings or a quaint object. Then explain the meaning of this word.

Quiver: A quiver is a bag or container for holding arrows. Teach this word to your kid by showing him the sport of archery.

Quartz: Quartz is a stone or crystal of silica. It can be transparent or colored. It is use in a variety of things like jewels, watches, glass, and the petroleum industry. Teach this word to your kid by showing him pictures of quartz and telling him its uses. If you have quartz crystals or gemstones made from quartz, show them to your kid.

Q words For Kids

Six Letter Words For Kids

Quokka: Quokka is a mammal the size of a household cat found on small islands on Australian coasts. They eat plants and fruits and are very cute. Teach this word to your kid by showing him pictures of a quokka.

Quiche: This is kind of a pie that has unsweetened custard. Its origin is France. Eggs, vegetables, and custard are cooked in a pastry to make a quiche. If you can make one, serve it at your family dinner, and everyone will love it. Teach this word to your kid by showing a quiche.

Quotes: The word quote is use for a repeated statement of some person. Teach this word to your kid by reading some quotes from some historical figure person.

Quinoa: Quinoa is a crop, and its seeds are consumed as food. It is rich in fibres and proteins. Teach this word to your kid by serving him quinoa.

Seven Letter Words That Start With Letter Q

Quarrel: An angry argument or disagreement is called a quarrel. Always be friendly with your kid, even if he has made a mistake. Teach him to remain and think positive. Teach this word to him by explaining its meaning.

Quindim: This is a Brazilian dessert that is made from egg yolks, sugar, and coconut. Find a recipe for quindim and make some for your family. They will love it. Teach your kid this word when he is enjoying eating quindim.

Quarter: If we divide one thing into four parts, then each part is the quarter of that thing. The word quarter is also use for a coin quarter of a dollar. Teach this word to your kid by showing him a quarter coin or explaining a quarter of something.

Quality: The word quality is use to describe an advantage or positive characteristic of something. Teach this word by mentioning some of his qualities. It will not only encourage him to be positive but also make him remember this word.

Quetzal: Quetzal is a beautiful bird found in tropical forests of America. Teach this word to your kid by showing him pictures of the quetzal.

Eight Letter Words That Start With Letter Q

Quadrant: One-fourth of a circle is called a quadrant. Quadrant is also an instrument to measure the heights. Teach this word by showing him parts of a circle and showing pictures of quadrant instruments.

Q-R code: A Q-R code or a quick response code is a graphical code use to store information about a thing. Today Q-R codes are widely used even for making payments.

Nine Letter Words That Start With Letter Q

Qualified: Someone skilled enough to achieve something or solve a problem is called a qualified person. Teach this word by explaining its meaning to your kid.

Quicksand: Quicksand is a mixture of granular sand or mud and water. If a weighted object falls on quicksand, it starts going down into quicksand, just like water.

Queen bee: Queen bee is the queen of a beehive. She lays eggs, and all the workers take care of her. Queen bee characters are use quite often in cartoons. Teach this word to your kid by showing him a queen bee cartoon.

Q words list For Kids

Ten Letter Words That Start With Letter Q

Quadruplets: Four siblings born at the same time are called quadruplets. Teach this word to your kid by explaining the meaning and showing him some examples on the web.

Quesadilla: A Mexican dish in which tortilla is filled with cheese, meat, and species. Make a quesadilla at home, and your kids will love it. Teach this word to your kid this way.

Eleven Letter Words That Start With Letter Q

Queen snake: This is a semi-aquatic species of snake that has no venom. Teach this word to your kid by showing him queen snake pictures.

Twelve Letter Words That Start With Letter Q

Quisp Cereal: Quisp cereal is a popular brand of oats. You can find it easily on the market. Serve your kid this delicious cereal and he will love it. Teach him this word then.

Thirteen Letter Words That Start With Letter Q

Quadrilateral: A shape with four corners is called a quadrilateral. Teach this word to your kid by showing some quadrilateral objects. Examples of a quadrilateral are squares, rectangles, and parallelograms, etc.

Question mark: This is a symbol or punctuation mark that describes the question nature of a sentence. Teach this word to your kid in a fun punctuation lesson.

Fourteen Letter Words That Start With Letter Q

Quotation mark: This is a set of the same symbols but opposite on both sides of a quote. Teach this word in a lesson on punctuation marks.

Five most commonly used Q words

  • Quiz
  • Quit
  • Queen
  • Quack
  • Question

The longest word that starts with Q

quattordecillions: means a one followed by 45 zeroes.

The common English verbs starting with Q

  • Quantify
  • Quarrel
  • Qualify
  • Quit
  • Quarantine

Five most commonly used positive words that start with the letter Q

  • Quick
  • Queen
  • Quiet
  • Qualify
  • Question

Words that start with Q for Toddlers

  • Quack
  • Queen
  • Quick
  • Quiet
  • Quilt

Words that start with Q for Kindergarten kids

  • Quality
  • Quip
  • Quarter
  • Quick
  • Quickly

Words that start with Q for Preschool kids

  • Queen
  • Quiet
  • Query
  • Quilt
  • Quite


After teaching this Q words lesson to your kids, come back for a R words lesson.


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