Vocabulary Words That Start With O

The Letter “O” is the 15th letter of the alphabet. The letter O makes the sound of “Oooo” or “Ohh.” This lesson will make vocabulary words that start with O easy for your child to learn. We appreciate that you love this “words that start with” series enough to keep coming back for the next alphabet. Just like you learned some positive words that start with N in the previous lesson, this lesson will help with words that start with O. Your kid’s vocabulary is a fundamental learning process for his communication. But you don’t need to worry about it as we care about your child’s early childhood education just like you.

Words that start with O

Let’s start with some positive vocabulary words that start with O.

Two Letter Words That Start With O

On: This word has a lot of implications for English Kids’ vocabulary and grammar. In general, it means making something start working with a switch mechanism. You can turn “on” your tv with the tv remote. You can use the same example to teach your kid to teach him this word.

Ox: An ox is the male adult cow. An ox is trained and used as a farm animal. Ox is very powerful and energetic. You can teach this word to your kid by showing them pictures or cartoons of an ox. Kids will surely love it.

Or: The word or is a conjugation that connects two to more possibilities or words. It is used to connect words or phrases. It is a commonly used word in the English language. Teach this word to your kids.

Three Letter Words That Start With O

Off: The word off works opposite to the word on, so you can understand its essence. In general, it means making something stop working with a switch mechanism. You can turn “off” your air conditioner with its remote. You can also use this example to teach your kid this word.

Oat: The word oat is using for many bowls of cereal made from seeds of different crops like wheat and rice. Oat is the most nutritious food in the world and is consumed in a wide range. Farm animals or cattle are also fed oatmeal. You can teach this word to your kid by feeding them some delicious oatmeal.

Oak: Oak is a big tree cut into timber and used for construction widely. You can teach this word to your child by showing him oak trees and timber to show its use.

Oil: The word oil is use for a sticky liquid, but two types of liquids in general. Petroleum oil and vegetable oil both have different implications. Petroleum is used as a source of energy for the burning process. On the other hand, vegetable oil is for consumption in food.

Words From O

Easy Three Letter Words For Kids

Old: The word old is used for something or someone who has existed for a long time. Such as an older adult who has lived for many years or an old object made long ago. This word represents the age of an individual or an entity. You can teach this word to your kid by showing them older adults or old things.

One: One is the first countable numeric in mathematics. One is described as unique and singular. Teach this word to your child while teaching him a math’s counting lesson.

Owl: Owl is a beautiful furry bird with big binocular eyes. Owls are night birds, which means they are active at night. The owl’s character is used widely in stories, movies, and cartoons as a wise person. You can teach this word to your kid by showing them owls in comics.

What Words I Make With The Letter O

Four letter words that start with the letter O

Oven: An oven is an electrical appliance use for cooking or warming food. Indeed, you must have an oven in your kitchen. Teach this word to your child by showing them that oven and its functionality.

Oboe: This is a woodwind musical instrument with a double reed. It is a long instrument. The artist blows on one side and controls the sound by controlling the air pressure from different valves. You can teach this word to your kid by showing pictures and videos of the oboe.

Open: The word open means access to something. For example, a door is used to close or open a room or house. Teach this word to your kid by showing him the door’s mechanism as the simplest example.

Oars: This is a long pole or sticks with a flatbed at one end used to row a boat.  you can also say propellers or paddles. You can teach this word to your child by showing them pictures of oars and their use to row a boat.

Oval: The word oval is used to describe an oblong shape. For example, an egg is broader at the bottom and smaller at the top. It is oval. Show your kid a perfect circle and egg to differentiate between a circle and an oval shape.

Orca: Orca, sometimes called a killer whale, is a medium size fish that is fast and a hunter. Its black and white color is its recognition. Orcas eat fish, octopuses, and seals. You can teach this word to your kid by showing them pictures and videos of orcas.

Fiver Letter Words That Start With Letter O

Onion: Onion is a vegetable and also called a bulb onion. Onion is widely cultivated and consumed in our dishes. You can teach this word to your kid by showing them an onion.

Otter: Otter is a type of weasel, a semiaquatic mammal that eats fish. Otter is a very cute and peaceful animal. You can teach this word to your kid by showing them pictures of otters.

Six Letter Words That Start With Letter O

Olives: Olives are the fruit of a medium-sized tree and are widely cultivated. Olive oil is derived from olives and is widely used to make different dishes as a raw food item. You can teach this word to your kid by showing them olives and olive trees.

Oceans: Oceans are enormous water bodies that surround the lands on our planet. There are seven oceans in the world. You can teach this word to your kid by showing them a globe and pointing towards oceans.

Orchid: Orchids are flower species found in more abundance than any other flower. These flowers stand different from others due to their unique textures and shapes. You can teach this word to your kid by showing them different orchid flowers.

O words For kids

Office: An office is where people gather to work on something for a person or company. We all work in some office. You can teach this word to your kid by explaining its meaning and showing some pictorial examples of office.

Oyster: Oyster is a type of shellfish. Oysters are well-known for producing pearls and are also used for consumption. Teach this word to your kid by showing him oysters.

Seven Letter Words That Start With Letter O

Oranges: The oranges are the citrus fruit species that are of orange color and medium-sized. Oranges are everyone’s favorite because of their taste and wide range of uses. You can teach this word to your kid by offering them oranges.

Oceania: Oceania consists of thousands of small and big islands in the far east. Australia is also in Oceania. Teach this word to your kid by showing the region Oceania on a globe or world map.

October: October comes after September and is the tenth month in the Gregorian calendar. You can teach this word to your kid while teaching them the name of the months.

Ostrich: Ostrich is an enormous flightless bird. Ostriches live on open plane lands and with warm to average temperature regions. You can teach this word to your kid by showing pictures and videos of ostrich.

Omelet: This is a dish by frying beaten eggs with butter, spices, and other vegetables. Omelets are made with different ingredients around the world. Everyone loves omelets. You can teach this word to your child while serving them an omelet.

Optical: Anything made from the glass used to focus on objects is called optical. Your wearable glasses, lenses of cameras and eyes, magnifiers, and binoculars are all optical. You can teach this word to your child with different examples.

Octagon: An octagon is a shape that has eight corners. You can teach this word to your kid by showing them different octagon objects.

O Words List

Nine Letter Words That Start With Letter O

Ornaments: The word ornaments are used for jewels made from precious metals like gold, silver, platinum, diamond, and rubies. Ornaments include necklaces, bracelets, rings, and earrings. Teach this word to your kid by showing them pics of ornaments.

Thirteen Letter Words That Start With Letter O

Operating room: The operating room is a room where the surgeries of patients are done. it is also called an operation theater. You can teach this word to your kid by showing them pictures and video documentaries of operating rooms.

Five most commonly used O words

  •  Orange
  • Owl
  • Once
  • On
  • Off

The longest word that starts with O

obstreperousness: means study aggressive noise

The common English verbs starting with O

  • Obey
  • Oblige
  • Object
  • Open
  • Obtain

Five most commonly used positive words that start with the letter O

  • Oasis
  • Open
  • On
  • Optimism
  • Ongoing

Words that start with O for Toddlers

  • Oat
  • Off
  • Okay
  • Old
  • On

Easy Words that start with O for Kindergarten kids

  • Offer
  • Oval
  • Object
  • Occur
  • Organ

Words that start with O for Preschool kids

  • Ocean
  • Optimal
  • Octagon
  • Oppose
  • Once


We hope these positive words that start with O help your kid improve his vocabulary. Considering our efforts to help your child in his early childhood education, we hope you’ll be back to check our next lesson of words that start with P. keep visiting us. Please make sure to share your feedback in our comments section. Also, subscribe to our YouTube channel for kids’ vocabulary words “The Soft Roots.” We created these words that begin with a series of proper and good research and accumulated words from authentic sources to provide you with correct information.

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