Vocabulary Words that start with N

This lesson can help your kid learn some useful vocabulary words that start with N. We hope your kid is learning a lot from our “words that start with” series. We have compiled a list of positive words that start with N in this lesson. N is the 11th letter in the English language and makes a sound of “Naaa” or “Nuh”. When your kid learned this letter, he might have thought, “what words can I make with this letter N” or “What words can I make with the letter N.” It doesn’t matter if your child has already asked you,” what words I make with the letter N” or not.

Although, this is your responsibility to teach your kid early. Even then, you yourself need the content to teach your kid. You cannot search all day long for this purpose. It’s time for you to relax. We care about your kid’s early childhood education just like you. We’ve got your back in this matter. We’ll keep providing you with all the content you need to teach your kids the letter N.

Words that start with N For Kids

Let’s start with some positive vocabulary words that start with N.

Three letter words that start with N

Nib: Nib is the pointy end of a pen that spreads the ink on the paper. You can teach this word to your kid by showing him nibs of different pens and ball pens.

Net: A net is a fiber made from repeating hollow patterns or grids of a specific shape. Most fishing nets are made of hexagonal patterns. A net, in general, is use to catch something, fish, or animals. You can teach this word to your kid by showing him pictures of videos of nets.

Nut: A nut is a fruit that has a hard nutshell with a soft edible kernel inside. Usually, nuts are also called dry fruits. You can teach this word to your kid by showing him different kinds of nuts.

New: New is a common N word are using in our routine conversations. This word is are using for something that was not available before. You can teach this word to your kid with an example of showing him something old and then a new one afterward.

Nap: Nap is a fancy word that are use for a small duration of sleep during the day. We usually take a nap to stay sharp and active and not feel lazy. Kids take naps quite frequently at an early age, and their sleeping schedules become normal as they grow up. Show him and tell him how you are going to take a nap, for example. This way, he’ll learn this word.

Nail: A claw-shaped plate on the fingertips is called a nail or fingernail. Nails help our fingers to protect their tips and help us to get a good grip on things. You should teach this word to your kid while teaching parts of the body. Also, tell him to keep his nails clean.

Four letter words that start with N

Nine: Nine is the ninth number and comes after eight. You can teach this word to your kid while teaching him counting. Also, using nine of his toys and telling them to count them will be a good example.

Nest: A nest is a place where birds keep their eggs or newborns to provide shelter. Birds can make their nests on trees or in homes. You can show a nest to your kid so that he can learn about it.

Nose: The nose is a part of the body on the face. The nose has two openings or nostrils. We use our noses to sense the smell and also to breathe. You can teach this word to your kid while teaching him the parts of the body.

Neck: The neck is the part of the body that joins the head with the limb. We move our heads with the help of our necks. You can teach this word to your kid while teaching him the parts of the body.

N words For Kids

Easy Four letter words For Kids

Name: A word or set of words that express a person’s identity, object, or place. Names are the primary words that are learned while learning any language. You can teach this word to your kid by telling him its meaning and how it use everywhere.

Note: Note is a piece of paper or a set of papers that are use to write things. The words notebook and notepads are derived from this word. You can teach this word to your kid by showing him different notes and how they are useful for us.

News: News is a piece of information about events and can be written or graphical. You can teach this word to your kid about how news keeps us informed about the world around us. This way, he will learn this word as well.

Five letter words that start with N

Nurse: A nurse is a helper or attendant who helps doctors to treat patients in hospitals. You can teach this word to your kid when you take him to the hospital by showing him a nurse.

Night: Night is the absence of the sun when there is no light. We don’t work at night and nights are for taking rest. You can teach this word by explaining the difference between day and night.

Ninja: The word ninja is use for the mythical martial artists in east Asian civilizations. Ninjas are very popular in movies, cartoons, and games. You can teach this word to your kid by teaching him about ninjas and showing him ninjas in cartoons.

Nappy: A nappy is a piece of humidity absorbing clothing use for kids vocabulary and called pamper. You can teach this word to your kid by showing him different pictures of nappies and telling him their use.

North: North is the upward direction on a map described as “N”. You can teach this word to your kid by pointing towards a place in the north to your location.

Words from N For kids

Six letter words that start with N

Napkin: A napkin is a piece of clothing used to put on the lap while sitting on a dining table. It helps to keep our dress clean if a piece of meal drops from our spoon or hand. You can teach this word to your kid by showing napkins at home and explaining their benefits.

Needle: A needle is a very sharp and pointy piece at one end and a hollow part at the other end. It use to sew clothes. Teach this word to your kid showing him different types and sizes of needles.

Nectar: Nectar is the sugary fluid that birds and insects take from flowers. Nectar is what makes honey. Teach your kid this word by showing him documentaries of bees and how they make honey with nectar.

Nozzle: Nozzle is the opening of a pipe or some path that is narrowed and in shape to increase the pressure. You can teach this word to your kid by showing him nozzles of pipes at home.

Narrow: The word narrow are using to describe something with a small width. You can teach this word to your kid by explaining its meaning and opposite of it with examples of his toys. This way, he will remember this word.

Number: A letter written in the form of numerics is called a number. Numbers are essential parts of our languages and daily communication. Teach this word to your kid while teaching him numbers and basic maths.

Seven letter words that start with N

Necklace: As the word describes it, a Necklace is an ornament used to wear around the neck. A necklace can be of any precious metal such as gold or silver and have rubies. You can teach this word to your kid by showing him different necklaces.

Noodles: Noodles are a type of food that has long and thin pieces made of flour. Noodles are usually cooking in boiling water. Kids love to eat noodles. Teach this word to your kid while serving him noodles.

Narwhal: A narwhal or narwhale is an average-sized fish with a long pointy horn on its face. Sometimes, it’s also called the unicorn of whales. Teach this word to your kid by showing him pictures and videos of narwhales.

Nuggets: Nuggets are small chunks of boneless meat that are fried to eat. Kids love to eat nuggets. You can teach this word to your kid while serving him nuggets.

Neptune: Neptune is the fourth biggest and the farthest planet in our soalr system. It is also called the blue planet. Teach this word to your kid while teaching him the names of other planets in our solar system.

Newborn: The word newborn is use for infants who have just been born in this world. Teach this word to your kid by showing him, babies and newborns. If you have a newborn at home, that’s great. It will also help you to teach this word to your child quickly.

Necktie: As the word describes, the necktie is a thin piece of clothing worn around the neck. A necktie is use for decorative purposes. Show your kid a necktie and tell him its name. This way, he will remember its name.

Eight letter words that start with N

Notebook: A notebook is a set of blank or lined papers use to note down or write. Show different notebooks to your kid tell him the name and uses of a notebook. This way, he will remember this word.

November: November is the second last month in the Gregorian calendar. It comes after October. You can teach this word to your kid while teaching him the names of the months.

Nectarine: A nectarine is a kind of peach that has soft skin. Everyone loves peaches. Teach this word to your kid by showing him nectarine and its difference from a regular peach.

N Words List For kids

Nine letter words that start with N

Neighbour: A neighbor is a person who lives next to your house. This way, you are also a neighbour to the person living next to your house. Teach this word to your kid by telling him the meaning of neighbour.

Newspaper: A piece of paper of a set of papers with news printed on them is called a newspaper. Teach this word to your kid by showing him a newspaper and telling him how newspapers keep us informed.

Ten letter words that start with N

Nightingale: A nightingale is a small bird well-known for its beautiful voice. Teach this word to your kid by showing him pictures and videos of a nightingale singing.

Eleven letter words that start with N

North America: North America is a continent left the atlantic ocean. The United States of America and Canada are situated in North America. Teach this word to your kid while teaching him the names of the continents.

Five most commonly used N words

  • Nice
  • Neat
  • Noble
  • Nanny
  • Nail

The longest word that starts with N

neuropsychopharmacologically: means study fundamental neuroscience

The common English verbs starting with N?

  • Need
  • Neglect
  • Nod
  • Normalize
  • Notify

Five most commonly used positive words that start with the letter N?

  • Native
  • Nature
  • Neat
  • Near
  • New

Words that start with N for Toddlers

  • nice
  • night
  • nine
  • no
  • not

Words that start with N for Kindergarten kids

  • Nag
  • Name
  • Near
  • Neat
  • Need

Words that start with N for Preschool kids

  • Nerd
  • Newborn
  • Nightingale
  • Nine
  • Ninja


We hope this lesson of words that start with N helps you to teach your kid to improve his vocabulary. We hope that when you are done teaching yoru kid N words, you’ll be back to check our next lesson of words that start with O.


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