Words That Start With C

As a parent, this is your duty to teach your kids vocabulary words that start with c. Vocabulary for kids is as much more critical than for the elders. You are the one who will be responsible if they fail to communicate clearly, just because you were unable to teach them some positive words that start with c. While there are plenty of lessons available on the web, but we are glad that you landed on this page to learn some positive words that start with c. so you can teach your child. In the previous lesson, you learned some vocabulary words that start with B.

Positive Vocabulary Words That Start With C

Let’s learn together some positive words that start with C.


This is a well-known C word. Cats are small domestic mammal species. Cats are cute and soft. Their ability to keep themselves clean makes them much better pets than dogs. They are loyal, loving, and playful. Cats are usually quiet pets, and most importantly, cats don’t ask you to take them outside like dogs. With a pet cat at home, then your child can quickly learn this word.


The cafeteria is a self-service restaurant where you can buy your meal from the counter and take it to a table to eat. Cafeterias can be found in institutes and workplaces. They have multiple choices of food, so a person can eat something he likes. Kids can learn this word when they start school.


As a verb, cut means to divide something into parts with a sharp object such as a knife. As a noun, cut represents a wound caused by a sharp object. A cut can also be a part of something. You can teach this word by cutting something in front of them.


Cabbage is a green leaf vegetable. So, the Cabbage is a well know part of vegetable salads. It can also be cooking with other things. Cabbage is full of nutrition. When you bring cabbage, show it to the kids and tell its name. This way, they will remember its name.


A calendar is an organized dating system that tells you the day on a date. It also using for routine record keeping. It has 365 days in one year, and after every four years, it has 366 days when February has 29 days. You can show your kids the calendar by calling its name. This way, they will remember this word.


A candle is an object made from vax. An inflammable wick is embedding in the vax that provides light when set on fire. Nowadays, candles are used for aesthetic or religious purposes. Or in case of electrical failure to provide light. You can show a candle to your kid so that he can remember this word candle.


Cancer is the fourth horoscopic sign of the zodiac, and a crab is its symbol. People born during June21-July21 have cancer as their zodiac sign. Cancers are usually very emotional and sentimental.


Capricorn is the tenth horoscopic sign of the zodiac, and the sea goat is its symbol. People born during December21-January21 have Capricorn as their zodiac sign. Capricorns are ambitious, passionate, and hardworking.


Candies are sweets that are rich in sugar and carbohydrates. A sour syrup is poured on candies so different fruits and nuts can be coated on them. Candies are heart favorites for kids. The fun part is, kids, learn this word primarily by themselves as they love it.


A knitted woolen sweater or waistcoat with buttons or zip at the front is called a cardigan. Cardigan is worn during the winter season on the upper body. However, there are cardigans available to wear during summer as well. If you have a cardigan for your kid, you can teach them this word easily.


The word cap usually represents a covering. This covering can be for an object like a bottle. For us, a cap is a head covering or wearable with a visor. There are also other types of caps with different shapes. Point towards a cap or showing them photos of different caps will help them learn and remember this word.


Carol is a joyful song that people sing during festivals or religious events. You have probably heard about the Christmas carol that represents joyful singing during Christmas. You can teach this word when they learn a Christmas carol.

words that start with the letter C


A car is a motor-powered vehicle and comes in different shapes and colors. There can be both petroleum-powered or electric-powered cars. Show your kid your car and tell him its name. That is how he will remember this word.


Carrot is an elonged red vegetable with leaves on top. The Carrot is a root of the plant with all the nutritions stored in it. This vegetable is widely produced and consumed in every part of the world. When you bring carrots home, show them to your kid and tell them their name.


A musician who plays cello or violoncello is referred to as a cellist. A cellist usually plays cello in a sitting posture and cello between the legs because of the big size of the cello. Show a cello picture to your kid and tell him this is a cello, and the person playing it is a cellist.

Cello (C word for kids): 

A cello is a musical instrument just like a violin but in a bigger size. Unlike the violin, the musicians play cello while sitting on a chair. It has a beautiful sound. You can teach this word by shoring photos of cellos to your child.


A carpenter is a skilled person who does woodwork. He produces wood furniture and other wooden items. Carpenters also cut and install building parts of wood during construction. Show pictures of carpenters working to your kid, and he will recognize him if he sees another carpenter working somewhere.

Carpenter’s Shop 

A shop where you can find a carpenter is called a carpenter’s shop. There he produces and sells wood items and also sells his services for others. Tell him about the carpenter’s shop or take your kid with you when you need to visit a carpenter’s shop.


This is sound trains make their engine releases steam from pistons. This sound is quite astonishing and can be here far away. Choo choo train is a favorite rhyme of kids. Kids can learn this by remembering a choo choo train rhyme.


Chalk is a soft, porous rocky limestone. It is found naturally in white color and used for different purposes. You have seen your teachers using chalk to write on the blackboard. Bricks and builders putty use a fraction of chalk. The PH of agricultural land is normalized with chalk as well. Kids can learn the word of chalk quickly if you have chalks and a small blackboard for them at home or learn it from school.

Christmas Tree

Some evergreen trees such as pine and fir are used as Christmas trees during the Christian and pagan festivals. The tree is decorated with ornaments and colorful lights, and it looks beautiful. Point towards a Christmas tree and tell your kid about it, as it already attracts the child’s attention.


Carpet is a piece of textile floor covering and is made from thick material. You can find carpets in almost every type of buildings. Carpets are also used outdoor. You can show a carpet to your child at home.


A room in which classes are conducted for students is called a classroom. Teachers use the blackboard, whiteboard, or projector screens to teach their students. Kids will learn this word automatically by going to school.


The clarinet is a musical woodwind instrument from the reed family. A person blows in the single-reed mouthpiece and controls the sounds from the long cylinder. A musician who plays sounds through clarinet is called a clarinetist. You can teach this word to your child by showing a clarinet picture or video.


Climb is a word, and it means upward movement. This upward movement can be a hike on mountains or stairs. Climbing is also referred to as a movement towards the top. When your kid goes upstairs somewhere or on a mountain, teach him this word by explaining its meaning and relevance to him.


Clothes is a positive word that starts with c and is commonly used. The items we wear on our bodies are called clothes. Clothes are made from different materials. Different shapes, colors, and sizes are found in clothes to suit people according to their gender and age. Teach this word to your kid by pointing towards each other clothes and telling them about it.


A chair is a furniture item made of wood, metal, or some other material. Chairs vary in shapes, colors, and sizes according to the needs and where they are required. Teach this word by pointing towards a chair at home.


A coat is a wearable that is open from the front and has buttons to enclose the opening. We wear coats on our upper bodies that extend below the hips. Show your child your coat or if he has his own, and teach him this word.


You probably have seen ventilations shafts rising from the roof of houses and factories that are made of masonry, metal, or clay. Smoke, gases, and steam from boilers and fireplaces come out of the chimneys. You can teach this word by pointing towards a chimney.


When an object reflects some specific light spectrum, it provides a visual perception that our eyes feel. That is how we recognize something. For example, chalk is white, and leaves are green, etc. This word is much easier to learn for kids as kids love playing with colors.


Millions of Christians around the world celebrate Christmas on 25th December. Christians believe 25 december the birthday of Jesus Christ and was the son of God. To celebrate his birth, Christian families celebrate together have feasts. Kids love Christmas as this is the time when presents are exchanged. Kids can learn this word during that time.


Protecting or fulfilling the needs of someone is called caring. Parents care and try to meet all their needs, so they are called caring. Teach them this word by expressing the feeling or an act of kindness to them.


A computer is an electronic machine that helps us in all parts of our lives. It follows a simple set of instructions and provides us with the result of those instructions. Applications of computers in today’s world are limitless. Show your computer to your child and tell him some interesting about it, they will learn this word quickly.


A round shape that has no corners is called a circle. The circular path has the same distance to the center at any given point along its boundary. Draw a circle in front of your kid and tell him the name of this shape.


when you hit the palms of both of your hands repeatedly, you clap. Clapping produces a sound by striking two flat surfaces into each other. We clap to admire or applaud someone on their good deeds or success. Kids love to clap when happy so that they can learn this word quickly.


We have divided the total landmass of our earth into seven parts. Those seven landmasses are called continents. There is no rule of thumb in the division of continents from each other. Asia being the largest continent and Australia the smallest one can be easily recognized on world map. Point towards a map and differentiate continents in front of you, kid.


A person who is also a student in your class is your classmate. Classmates are also called class fellows. Classmates are usually your friends. Kids automatically learn this word by going to school.


A person who provides and checks tickets in buses and trains is called a conductor. A conductor can also be an instructor in a class of students. You can teach this word to your child by showing and explaining a conductor.


Removing unwanted things or particles from some things is called cleaning, and the thing after removing the unwanted stuff is considered clean. For example, if there is dust on your chair and you remove the dust, the chair will be regarded as clean. Cleanliness is a good thing. It’s good to keep yourself and your things clean. Kids will learn this word if you insist them to remain and keep their things clean.


Using heat to prepare food from raw edible materials is called cooking. Cooking can be of different types. The motive is always the same, providing heat directly or indirectly. However, the intensity of heat varies while cooing different types of foods. While cooking, teach this word to your kid.


When you put something in front of an object to stop its entrance, then the object is called considered close. For example, you close the door of a fridge and cannot access its compartments after closing it. The word is also used to define very small or no distance between two things. You can teach this word with his toys. Show him when toys are close.


Cook is a verb for cooking. When you heat raw food items to make them consumable, it means you cook food.


Cloudy is a positive c word. Suppose there are clouds in the sky and blocking the sun partially or entirely. Then we say it’s cloudy outside. Or the weather is cloudy. When it’s a cloudy day, take your kid outside and tell him about the clouds and the cloudy weather.


Child or your uncle or aunt from your paternal or maternal side is called your cousin. For example, the son of your father’s brother is your cousin. If your kid has a cousin, teach him this word by telling him about his cousin and their relation.


A male chicken is also called a cock. You probably have seen a cock with hens. The word cock is also used in guns. You can teach this word by showing a picture of cock to your kid.


Cold is the absence of high temperature or heat. So when the temperature falls below normal, we say it’s cold. Cold is also referred to as flu caused by cold weather.

Crescent (C word for kids): The word crescent is used to denote a phase of the moon. A crescent moon is one-quarter of the full moon. The Crescent moon is used as a symbol in some religions and some countries’ flags.

C words list

Color Pencil

A pencil with color any other than black is called a color pencil. Color pencils are used to fill colors in drawings. Teach this word by showing your kid his color pencils.

Compass Rose

Have you ever noticed a rose-type shape with petals like pointers that denote a direction? Actually, it is a compass with north, south, east, and west directions pointing in the form of rose petals. That is the reason we call it a compass rose. Show your kid the map and compass rose on it. This way, he will remember this word.


Cucumber is an elonged green vegetable. The Cucumber is considered an essential ingredient of the salad. Show a cucumber to your child and teach him this word.


When a person instructs students to do something, he conducts an activity. Conduct is a verb for the word conductor that we have explained above. You teach this word while teaching him about a conductor.


Driving a cycle by pushing its pedals is called cycling. Cycling is equally fun for kids or adults. Teach your kid this word by explaining when he is cycling.


Coo is actually a sweet sound produced by pigeons and doves. Apart from crying, Coo is also the very first sound a child can make.


Cool is also a positive c word. If an object has an absence of heat, then it is referred to cool. The word cool is also used to denote cold or sometimes nice weather. You can teach this word by explaining it with examples.


Cough is how our immune system clears our throat and airways by pushing mucus and any other unwanted objects out of the mouth. If anyone at home has a cough, you can teach your kid this word by showing the person when he is coughing.


Different nations mark a piece of land as theirs. This piece of land or region is called a country. The plural of the country is countries. Teach your kid the name of your country, and he will automatically learn the term country meanwhile.


The cow is a mammal animal that eats grass and provides us with milk and meat. Show your kid a picture of a cow and teach him this word.


A shape with two lines passing through each other’s middle point is called the cross. The cross is a symbol used by the red cross. The Christians use the cross as a religious symbol. You can show your kid the cross and teach him this word.


The word crunch is using to represent a brittle or hard food particle. The crunch is also use to describe breaking something very hard. Show crunches of candies and chocolates to your kid and teach him this word easily.


Cup is a positive c word. A cup is a piece of utensil use to drink something. Cups are made of different materials, colors, and shapes. Teach your kid this word by showing him a cup.

FAQs (Vocabulary Words That Start With C)

Name five most commonly used C words?

  • Cat
  • Can
  • Caterpillar
  • Cut
  • Cake

What is the longest word that starts with C?

Counterproductiveness: means doing the opposite of the desired effect.

What are the common English verbs starting with C?

  • Call
  • Camp
  • Cancel
  • Care
  • Catch

What are the five most commonly used positive words that start with the letter C?

  • Calm
  • Care
  • Candy
  • Capable
  • Center

What are the words that start with C for kids?

  • Car
  • Cat
  • Circus
  • Carrol
  • Come

What are the words that start with C for Kindergarten kids?

  • Card
  • Cash
  • Cross
  • Cradle
  • Clock 

What are the words that start with C for Preschool kids?

  • Cow
  • Care
  • Coat
  • Cup
  • Cold


We hope that this lesson helped your kid to learn some new vocabulary words that start with C. Make sure to check the next lesson where we teach positive vocabulary words that start with D.


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