Counting Numbers For Kids.

Counting numbers is somehow the primary stage of learning to count for kids. I am sure every mom out there does the one, two, three, and jump with her little one. Yes! This is where we introduce counting for kids. Besides, we all agree that kids enjoy learning numbers. The reason behind this is quite simple, as a kid, we always learning numbers.

In the first step of academic life kids always learning numbers by the count to 10, count to 20, and later count to 100. After getting the hands on the count to 10, count to 20, and count to 100, kids move towards dates and other figures. But, the question is how to help our little one understand count to 10 and count 100?

Moreover, how to teach numbers to kids? So, this is why we are here with the article. The article will help you get an answer to how to teach numbers to kids, and how to teach numbers to preschoolers? So, if you also want to learn some easy way to understand counting numbers, then make sure you read the whole thing:

Counting Numbers For Kids

How to teach numbers to preschoolers?

There are seven stages to help your kids learn counting numbers; let us have a look at them:

  • Count to 10
  • Count down from 10 to 1
  • Counting objects
  • Comprehending and replying to jumbled up numbers between 1 to 10
  • The ability to recall a mixed number between 1 to 10 when you show the image
  • Recognizing and replying to the numbers you write as words. Let us take an example; your kid should be able to understand the shape of a number, the word of any number. Moreover, you should also make your little one understand the first letter of any number
  • Lastly, help them write the counting numbers

Steps to ease up counting for kids:

After getting a brief introduction to the steps, let us dig deep into the details of each one:

Count to 100 in order:

Count to 100 in order

The first step of learning 1, 2, 3, is indulging them in some productive activity. Keep them busy with something that they enjoy and concentrate on for a long time. Moreover, reinforcement is the key here, so make sure that there is a constant revision in what they are learning. Let me give you a simple example, ascending means going up to ask them to get louder as they count upwards.

Likewise, descending is going down so let them sound lower as they pace down. Besides, you can also use some action in growing numbers. Ask them to slowly rise up as they move up from one all the way to ten. Similarly, kids can start moving down in a sitting position as they go down from ten to one.

Now, another factor that we can not ignore in help kids learns counting numbers is YouTube videos. I am sure numbers of moms use it, and they are certainly a big help. We know kids enjoy cartoons; thus, the educational video on YouTube channels will help them learn in an entertaining way.

Now, there are zillions of channels to help you learn to count to 10, but my current favorite is The Soft Roots. A fun channel for kids, it is a range of entertaining videos to help your kids learn counting numbers. Moreover, the reinforcement in each video makes sure that the kid gets the point. Among the list of songs and rhymes to help in counting numbers, some of the hit ones are:

  • One little finger
  • Five little ducks went out one day
  • Ten little amounts of money
  • one, two, three, four, five, once I got a fish alive
  • There were ten in the bed

What’s more, is that there are some fun games as well to help your preschooler learn to count to 10. These games will also help id to catch the kid while making the mistake and correct them on the spot. Moreover, teachers can also uplift the tricky level to judge the learning skills of the kid.

 Count to 20 objects:

Counting objects is quite a decent way to learn numbers. Moreover, there are also games that help your preschooler count objects on the screen. Besides, you do not need a game or picture to count objects. Instead, sit in your classroom and count the objects surrounding the class.

You can always end up using your creativity and make it exciting by asking them to touch each object they touch. For instance, ask them to count and touch the trees outside the classroom. Add some fun elements by hiding some objects in the classroom and count each one the find. I am sure the kids will love it, and the learning process will be speedier.

Count to 20

If you are a mom and your kid is not yet up the schooling age, then an excellent idea is to show him or her card. Now, ask him or her to count the animals on the card. Let me accept the challenge of doing it faster to help you judge that the kid is on the right track. Once again, YouTube and songs will step in for help.

Pick up any counting number video from YouTube, and ask the kid to go with the flow of the video. This is a simple activity that all teachers and mothers can do without any hassle. Lastly, an easy idea is to ask the kid to stand on the stairs and count each step as they move up and down.

Jumbled up learn numbers:

Even though kids go with the flow, but this step is extremely crucial. You can call it a test to check if the child is responding to the numbers, his clarity with numbers, and no just going with the flow. All the above examples will help you understand that they are learning counting numbers. But the question is the understanding it as well? So, let me give you an example of jumbled words to check the learning of the child.

  • Let the teacher ask a kid to run and touch a number, say 5 on the wall
  • Pick a card of the number 6
  • Run along and encircle 2 on the whiteboard among different numbers
  • Can you hold 3 fingers from your hand?
  • run along and pick 7 balls from the basket
  • Draw out 9 apples on a paper
  • If the child can, ask him to write 10
  • There are circles on a paper, color 4 balls for me
  • Make a group of 8 people

All of these little activities can help you check the kids learning skill of the child. You can also check if the kid is only cramming or he is clear in his concept.

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